Primal Nutrition
Increase energy, boost fat loss, & build lean muscle mass. This is the nutrition guide you will be following during your training. You'll find the Primal Nutrition Handbook and ways to maximize fat loss and muscle mass below.
Fat Loss Maximizer
The 16/8 Fasting Method: Also called the LeanGains protocol, it involves skipping breakfast and restricting your daily eating period to 8 hours, for example from 1 pm to 9 pm. Then you "fast" for 16 hours in between.
This a daily fasting method that tends to be the simplest & easiest for most people to stick with.
Muscle Mass Maximizer
Protein Type: Whey protein proved to be the most effective. Higher than casein or soy proteins.
Protein amount: 1-2 grams of protein per lb of body weight a day. If you are over 40, you may want to take more.
Protein Timing: Important to get in 20-40 grams an hour before and/or after your workout session.
Creatine Type: Creatine monohydrate. Tried & tested form and it's inexpensive.
Creatine Amount: Loading Phase, 20-25g a day for the first week (4-5 daily doses of 5g). Maintenance phase following loading, 3-5 g a day after for the following 2 months.
Creatine timing: Take it within an hour directly after your workout.
Personal Recommendation For Both
When I go with protein & creatine, I like to mix both into one smoothie that I take directly after my workout. I mix it with fresh fruits such as dates & bananas. Eating fast digesting carbs like fruits with the protein has shown to increase the protein synthesis.
Intermittent Fasting Research
- Fasting increases GH -
- Short term fasting increases metabolism -
- Fasting for Fat Loss & Diabetes -
Protein Research
- Protein timing & it’s effects -
- The effects of protein supplementation -
- Nutrient timing & higher protein for older people may be needed for same results. -
Creatine Research
- Creatine supplementation & exercise (full review of studies) -
- No adverse effects shown with creatine, Sports Medicine